a snowy

Sunday 12 April 2015

TWELVE 'how to begin this spring'

Spring started pretty badly: lots of rain, beginning of the exams at uni, massive building works at home... and the worst seemed yet to come... But still I found some enjoyable things to do to cheer me up.

First, I finally read The Cuckoo's Calling by J.K.Rowling. That was a big book but very entertaining and funny. The 'crime books' are not very my type but still I thought that the investigation was quite unusual and grabbed my attention. However, who wants to recognize the genre of Harry Potter through this book has to be aware that he'll be disappointed. This is another story, another world, for another public... And I'd like to say that's better like that! 
I started to read it at the cinema and enjoyed with that a delicious red berry smoothie. Fruit beverages are my favourite

Then, I baked a superexcellent chocolate cake with coco crumble on it: I can't get enough of it! I ate it with whipped cream and peach syrup (just to make sure I take enough fat, haha - It's not funny actually). We don't really use to spend Easter with loads of chocolate but this cake was more than enough for us! 
On that day, I had finished my last book and had started another one which I'm still currently reading: Every Day by David Levithan. This book is a pure delight! I'm just at the beginning but I already adore the idea and the plot of the story is very uncommon. 


And, finally, a good time wouldn't be that good without a little jog! These last weeks I ran very often, it's always a pleasure to let flow all the stress accumulated throughout the day and just enjoy the nature! Even the pain seems good during those moments. For the last few years, running had become my way out... 

What is your way out?


Friday 6 March 2015

ELEVEN 'winter is still here'

On this Friday morning, the weather was cold and nothing was better than taking my breakfast at Gagao's: a Caffè Americano with maple syrup and a chocolate bun. That was delicious and it kept my heart warm. Did you try to go there, yet? 

My parents aren't at home for some days so my siblings and I have the house for ourselves! It's pretty cool because we can just do whatever we want whenever we want. They are going home tomorrow night so we still have a day to party... sort of! 
Yesterday night I had an amazing midnight run with friends and it was very cool! The moon was huge and shiny, and the sky was filled with stars so much so that we could see around us like it was still the twilight: that was beautiful. However it was cold and luckily I had taken some gloves. In theory we are going to do the same tonight... I HOPE SO

Do you wanna see something really reALLY REALLY funny? Just look below, Voldemort has never been so terrifyingly sexy, haha. 

Not a long post today, but I just wanted to write a bit about my feelings and share with you some happiness. I hope you have a beautiful day and you are loved as much as you deserve!

Wednesday 4 March 2015

TEN 'things people use to love and I don't'

Today I didn't have school and I could have slept in: such a good ting! However I have a lot of homework to do but for now I am going to make a list of the things that people use to love and I don't. 


I just hate the taste, the consistency, the matter... It is greasy and heavy, yuk.

I know it's quite unusual but I just think that it is a bit strong in taste... The white one is too much greasy and the black one too much intense... Sometimes I can eat milk chocolate but in very small amounts.

I don't think that it is pretty and most of all it is not very convenient... If you love running as much as I do you will understand, right? 

I feel like I am only talking about food, it sucks. Anyway, fast food is greasy, bad and I am never really sure about how it is produced and what they put into it, and this is pretty frightening, don't you think? I like eating organic foods and all that stuff. But don't believe that I don't like pizzas or burgers, I just prefer make them myself or go to a good restaurant.

I hate the taste and sometimes just the smell makes me want to throw up... ew. I think that it is the oil 

I know you going to tell me 'aw but they are so cute' and blah blah blah... but NO! I mean yes obviously they are cute but I just can't stand them! I was attacked by a cat when I was younger and I guess I have never really forgotten...

I am terrified by the 'growing-up thing', I don't like to go to big party and I always feel embarrassed when someone offers me presents. Moreover, the anniversary is obviously just about me and I rather prefer the feasts like Christmas when everybody gets presents and could be happy.  

Besides, it makes me sick... So coke, sprite, fanta, pepsi, soda, sparkling water and other beverages: bye bye. 

This is disgusting, why would I like it, huh? It could make me sick, plastered, dangerous for the other. Moreover, the taste is not good either. So anything like wine or hard liquor would never be for me.

Ugh, I personally use to like anything that is 'not fashionably'... I am allergic to words like 'swag', 'selfie' or 'bae' and allergic to people that just want to be like everybody else, why don't you just want to be yourself? I promise that you would feel better! 
There is no need to wear make-up if you don't like to. There is no need to pretend that you don't like reading because it doesn't sound  cool... There is no need to be popular to actually be interesting.  These are examples that I really used to see in high school and it sucks. 
You can love the music you love, you can love the sport you love, You can love the tv shows or the movies you love, You can love the boys or girls you love, You can love the books you love, You can love the clothes you love, You can love the subjects you love, anything that you may love deserves to be loved by you! And if you love the word 'selfie', that's fine, just avoid to use it because everybody use it, right? If you like to call your lover 'Bae', that's okay as well, but don't call him like that because you heard that everybody did. 

Alright, I guess it's time to close that article. I hope you liked the idea and don't hesitate to tell me what you don't like about everything around you that people like. Maybe I will do another article with the 'things that people use to hate and I don't'... 

But for now, BYYYYE!

Monday 2 March 2015

NINE 'travel map'

I found an amazing website when you can make a map of your 'already done destinations'. Here is mine: 

I finally told my parents that I didn't validate my first semester... My Dad was very angry but my mum was pretty understanding. So after all I am kind of relieved! It is always better when all is said. I really don't like keeping secret from my family and friends, I am kind of too honest (you might say that it is a good point but sometimes it is not) and the words just use to blurt out of my mouth on their own. 
By the way, I wanted to share with you a song I really appreciate a lot, a lot, a lot: Human by Christina Perri. The lyrics are just sublime and make me feel so many emotions. The link I gave you is a fan video about the Shameless series so you will have some voiceover but I think that what is said is particularly beautiful. However, if you mind, you will easily find the original version on youtube. 

 Will you find where do these two images come from? 
(The second one is from one of my favourite animes)

Now, that you may or may not have a bad day, here are some gifs that will make your feel better, because sassy Harry is always brilliant, right? I love the way he rolls his eyes, I love the way he answers back... Aaah Harry Potter, you are definitively my entire life!

Have a good night,

sweet dreams,

and bye for now, lovelies!

Sunday 1 March 2015

EIGHT 'what's going on in March?'

Hello March,
 what's going on this month? 

1: the release of 'Insurgent' on March 20. The trailer is marvellous, I just can't wait to watch it! I read all the books and the reason I really liked the second was because we had the opportunity to discover lots of things about the other factions. I think that it was an interesting point and that was something I missed in the first book... After reading the second one I understood why the author kept that secret a little bit longer. Anyway, just tell me if you have read the books? See the first movie? Liked it or not? Whatever you want to tell me about it! 

2: the continuation of my diet... I don't want to lose a lot but I gained some weight (4kg actually) and I want to lose it. My big problem is above all my gluttony, even when I'm not hungry I go to look for food in my cupboard and at this point I stop at nothing: whipped cream, biscuits, honey, bread... Sometimes it really scares me how much I can't control myself... But this is just that: 

3: I have a lot of books that I want to read this month: The eye of minds by James Dashner - Hollow City by Ransom Riggs - The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman - Barbe Bleue by Amélie Nothomb.
But for now, I am reading this perfect gem: Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. Have you ever read one of these books? Did you like it?

And have you ever seen the screen adaptation with Keira Knightley and Matthew Macfadyen? This movie is so perfect and every time I watch it my heart melts... This is one of my favourite love stories for sure. I just love the character of Mr Darcy, don't you?

4: I want to keep on writing my stories in progress (with the aim of publishing a book) and finished all the fan fictions I have been writing for a long time now. 

5: and last but not least, I would have to tell my parents that I didn't validate my first semester. I am very sad about it and I don't know how to tell them... So for this month I will have to work harder and make up some points... Cheer for me! 

 Kiss kiss and have a good...

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Friday 27 February 2015

SEVEN 'do you ship Gallavich?'

Oh gosh! 
Here is the thing: I like writing & I love starting new blogs but then I'm completely incapable to stick with it... I mean it's been ages since I didn't post anything: my apologies. 
Anyway, there is no law, right? So here I am. Last week I started (and finished actually) to watch the series: Shameless US. This series is so amazing!!! I became completely addict after the 1st episode, can you believe it? I ship Gallavich like a lot and every time they appear at the screen I just literally jump up and down. I mean did you look at them? They are just so so cute... Okay, you want a picture, isn't it? 

How could you not love them, huh? 

Then, I just finished to read 'Running Man' by Stephen King and this book was very good! The end is surprising (like every S. King's ends, right?) and I don't know, I just really like the whole idea of the story. To summarize: the main character, Ben Richards, decides to take part in a  TV game show called 'The Running Man' and which is kind of a human hunt... He has to survive 30 days against the whole state that wants him dead. The atmosphere is really intense and keep you in suspense! With Stephen King, you could never imagine how it's going to end up...

Have you ever read this book or a book by S. King? What'd you think of it?  

This week, I bought a new KUSMI TEA box, tasting almond and green tea: delicious! I also received a new pair of running shoes (picture below). Yesterday I made so doodles, and it's been a long time since I didn't... 

And now let's move on one of my favourite topics: my fanfiction recommandations! I read many fanfictions recently but here are the one I retained for you:

When I finally woke up: Divergent Fanfiction based on Eric/Tris relationship. ''you're the only person in the world that could do this to me Tris' Eric whispered. A nice and simple Fanfic about Tris and Eric. The first time Eric saw Tris he actually fell for her without knowing it. Without Eric realising it, his cold, hard facade slowly started to fall apart all because of one girl.'

Black IslandHarry Potter Fanfiction with HPDM pairing. I really liked this story, it's not very long but funny and enthralling. 'Most people would think that seven days on a tropical island would be a week in paradise, unless they were stranded on the island with their ex-husband.'

Grievers, Minho, and Other Wicked Things: The Maze Runner Fanfiction with Minho/Newt pairing. I just love this one, very short but just everything right! 'Ever wonder what those first days were like for Newt in the Maze? How he became a Runner, proved himself to the others, and met a certain, handsome Keeper...?'

Let me know if you're gonna read one of them!
And for now...BYYYE!