a snowy

Monday 22 December 2014

SIX 'cooking for Christmas & the 100'

Ho ho ho! 
Yesterday night I took a walk in the Christmas market in Strasbourg with my parents and we have such a great time! We bought some roast chestnuts and that was so good, I love these things. 

This morning I had a driving lesson then I cooked some Christmas Treats and especially the DIY Christmas treats from the Zalfie's youtube video. Did you try it as well? In any case I think that's quite nice. 

Tonight I'm gonna go to the Dubliners, an Irish pub where they make delicious burgers, with my family and my sister's godmother (who lives in Paris but came in Alsace for the holidays). 
We are at last in WINTER! YAY! I like this season.  

Do you watch the series The 100? It is also a book (by Kass Morgan) at first and I'm currently reading it by the way. I really like both and my favourite pairing is Bellamy/Clarke (Bellarke, if you know what I mean). Anyway, last week the midseason's episode was on TV and it was so shaking up! I can't wait to watch the rest in January... Tell me if you read it or watch it too. 

Saturday 20 December 2014

FIVE 'Christmas tag'

Christmas is coming,
and I thought about doing this little Christmas Tag while waiting for it! I haven't been tagged to do this yet but I love making tag so I guess I just took it upon myself. Besides I decide to tag everyone reading this!!

1. What is your favourite Christmas Movie?
Quite a typical answer but I do absolutely love The Holiday, I normally end up watching it quite a few times over the Christmas period! I also love Love Actually and watching the Harry Potter films (especially the Philosopher's Stone) around Christmas time. Otherwise I like watching old movies at this time, I don't know why but I guess it makes me a bit nostalgic about my childhood and I like it. For example: 'How the Grinch stole Christmas!

2. Do you open presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning?
When my siblings and I were little, we'd be so excited for presents my parents used to let us open the presents on Christmas Eve but as we've gotten older we much prefer waiting until Christmas morning.

3. Do you have a favourite Christmas memory?
I don't think it's my favourite Christmas memory, but I have a memory of something we used to do every Christmas Eve when I was younger and I pretty liked it. The evening, after eating, my siblings and I used to watch a movie in my parents' bedroom while they were putting gifts under the tree. 

4. Favourite festive food?
I'm so into Christmas food really. Every year we use to eat foie gras, salmon, gingerbread, oysters, prawns and christmas cookies for dessert. I think what I prefer are Foie gras and the final cookies! 

5. Favourite Christmas gift?
I've gotten loads of lovely presents over the years from friends and family though a present that sticks in my head was a green princess dress that was matching with the pink one my sister got, and that was my grandmother who made them. This same year I received a big  riding school in Plamobil game from my parents and I was very happy about it as well. 

6. Favourite Christmas scent?
I love the smell of cinnamon! This is definitely one of my favourite tastes as well. 

7. Do you have any Christmas Eve traditions?
Nowadays we don't really have traditions anymore. But we still eat the usual meal every year, I guess that's kind of a tradition!

8. What tops your tree?
A star!

9. As a kid what was the one (crazy, wild, extravagant) you always asked for but never received?
Nothing too extravagant that I can think of, but I remember that I always wanted a horse and I actually got one, for one of my birthdays. So as I received it, it doesn't count. 

10. What's the best part about Christmas for you?
There are lots of things I love about Christmas but I think my favourite is just spending time with family and friends and eating lots of lovely food!! I also really like the magical atmosphere, the lights and the decorations. 


- Four like the number? 
- Exactly, like the number. 
- What happened? One two three were taken? 
Good evening!
Who has guessed where this quote above come from? 

Now, I have to tell you something important, something that makes me so happy that I want to shout:
I know, it's not a big deal you're gonna tell me. But Christmas holidays are definitely my favourites! This afternoon I already did some shopping and I bought some cosmetics. I love so much my new lipstick, which is the Deep Purple Grand Rouge (89308). The colour is intense and very beautiful, ideal for this festive season.  

Then, I browsed some books at the international bookstore but I didn't buy anything. However, the shop window was shiny and golden and I really liked how they have decorated the inside!  


Did you see the trailer for Insurgent? It is absolutely wonderful! I can't wait for the movie... 

Did you read the books? Did you like it? What is your presumed faction?


Thursday 18 December 2014

THREE 'donate to the Harry Potter Alliance'

I'm about to start a youtube channel about fan fictions and I'm so excited about it! But a little bit afraid as well... I feel as though I can't speak correctly in front of a camera, you'll agree that it is already a problem, ha ha. But that is normal, I don't use to videotape myself and it is a bit disturbing to speak with no one in front of me. 

In the same way, I thought about recommend you some reading (fan fictions or books) on that blog. If you have yourself some recommendations to me, don't hesitate: I love reading!

Here is a funny fan fiction about the pairing Draco Malfoy / Hermione Granger called Why Draco should not be using tampons. I turned it into book and the cover is just too beautiful!

Then, I just bought a new delicious tea, perfect for this time of the year. It tastes like Christmas Spices (cinnamon, clove, gingerbread, etc.) and you already know that I love it. 

By the way, we are seven days away from Christmas and I think it is the moment to begin to think about all these people who are going to spend Christmas alone, homeless or in bad/poor conditions... I use to donate year-round to the Harry Potter Alliance and particularly nowadays. Each of us can choose to support a cause and stand up for what he believes in, because charity is always good. 
But, if you want to know a little bit more about the Harry Potter Alliance, I invite you to visit their website. But, to be brief about it (and don't make you close this webpage too fast and forget about what I said), here is what they do: 
The Harry Potter Alliance turns fans into heroes! They are changing the world by making activism accessible through the power of story. Since 2005, They have engaged millions of fans through their work for equality, human rights, and literacy.

Now, you know. You can help. So be awesome! 

TWO 'DIY Christmas Treats with Zoella'

Hello world!
Today was such a hard day... First I had a French literature exam in the morning. Then I had a driving course and as it was raining, it wasn't very easy because it was only my second course... Finally I went for a run at around seven o'clock this evening, but I only did ten kilometres because I was tired and not really in the mood. 

But, I should not be too depressed, because:


Besides, I wish it would soon snow. I love the snow so so so much! Do you feel the same about it? Do you have already some snow at home? I bet you do, you lucky! 

Otherwise, did you watch the last video of Zoella, called Quick & Easy DIY Christmas Treats? If you didn't, you should go watch it! There are so cute ideas and they all look yummy. 

Personally, I made myself a hot chocolate, not exactly the same as in the video but equally delicious ! And I would like to appeal to everyone who could know where I can find this gorgeous mug just below (because I want it!!!!!). You're welcome to help! 

And for now, good night and sweet dreams! 

Tuesday 16 December 2014

ONE 'be me'

First article.
Usually, it's supposed to begin with a presentation or something like that but I don't feel like telling you all my entire life (besides it could be boring) so I'm just gonna stick with the basics... 
Hi, my name is Alb, I'm 19 and I live in France. Actually I am French and English isn't my native language, but I am studying it at University so I like to use it (and have to use it in order to progress). But, but, but if you think my English is worse than Hell, don't hesitate to correct me. And if you have any questions, just ask !

So, to change the subject and get back to what really matters: today we are nine days away from Christmas... and I can't wait for it! What did you order to Santa? 
Otherwise, there is still a week before the holidays and above all I have three class exams... UGH

Newt week end I plan to bake some Christmas cookies because it is so good and I like it so much. In fact, I think they are my favourite sweet things in the year. I like cinnamon flavours and all these Christmas Spices. What are your favourite treats?


Then, I just bought the first novel of the beautiful Zoe Sugg: Girl Online. I was just so excited when I had it in my hands. The cover is very beautiful, I like these light colours and all these picture things. LOOK BELOW! Anyway, this is going to be my next reading and then I'll tell you what I think about it. What is your current reading?