a snowy

Tuesday 16 December 2014

ONE 'be me'

First article.
Usually, it's supposed to begin with a presentation or something like that but I don't feel like telling you all my entire life (besides it could be boring) so I'm just gonna stick with the basics... 
Hi, my name is Alb, I'm 19 and I live in France. Actually I am French and English isn't my native language, but I am studying it at University so I like to use it (and have to use it in order to progress). But, but, but if you think my English is worse than Hell, don't hesitate to correct me. And if you have any questions, just ask !

So, to change the subject and get back to what really matters: today we are nine days away from Christmas... and I can't wait for it! What did you order to Santa? 
Otherwise, there is still a week before the holidays and above all I have three class exams... UGH

Newt week end I plan to bake some Christmas cookies because it is so good and I like it so much. In fact, I think they are my favourite sweet things in the year. I like cinnamon flavours and all these Christmas Spices. What are your favourite treats?


Then, I just bought the first novel of the beautiful Zoe Sugg: Girl Online. I was just so excited when I had it in my hands. The cover is very beautiful, I like these light colours and all these picture things. LOOK BELOW! Anyway, this is going to be my next reading and then I'll tell you what I think about it. What is your current reading? 


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